A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay

A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay
A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay
A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay
A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay

A white marble fireplace with Jasper inlay in the Regency style. The frieze with drops of carved laurel leaves and paterae and flowers. The inlaid fluted jambs surmounted by architectural moulding. Straight moulded shelf. Very good quality marble. English, modern. N.B. May be subject to an extended lead time, please enquire for more information.

Stock No: G023-W-J      £18,500 + VAT
Shelf Width:1486 mm   |   58 ½"
Overall Height:1238 mm   |   48 ¾"
Opening Height:940 mm   |   37"
Opening Width:1010 mm   |   39 ¾"
Depth Of Shelf:162 mm   |   6 ⅜"
Overall Plinths:1344 mm   |   52 ⅞"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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