A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style

A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style
A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style
A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style
A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style
A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style

A polished cast iron fireplace in the classical style. The raised foliate detail to frieze flanked by split reeded columns with Doric capitals above. English, 19th century.

Stock No: 4466      £4,800 + VAT
Shelf Width:1215 mm   |   47 ⅞"
Overall Height:1128 mm   |   44 ⅜"
Opening Height:920 mm   |   36 ¼"
Opening Width:911 mm   |   35 ⅞"
Depth Of Shelf:146 mm   |   5 ¾"
Overall Plinths:1149 mm   |   45 ¼"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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