An English wood fireplace in the George III style

An English wood fireplace in the George III style
An English wood fireplace in the George III style
An English wood fireplace in the George III style
An English wood fireplace in the George III style

A finely carved pine George III style fireplace. The frieze with recurring palmette and bellflowers throughout, with classical urns to end blocks. The jambs with tied ribbons and belldrops. The shelf with dentils and acanthus leaves. English, 20th century. Still painted white and photo'd prior to restoration, however could be stripped and waxed if required.

Stock No: 4175      £8,500 + VAT
Shelf Width:1750 mm   |   68 ⅞"
Overall Height:1385 mm   |   54 ½"
Opening Height:1075 mm   |   42 ⅜"
Opening Width:1270 mm   |   50"
Depth Of Shelf:210 mm   |   8 ¼"
Overall Plinths:1570 mm   |   61 ¾"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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