A painted timber fireplace with Eastern influence

A painted timber fireplace with Eastern influence
A painted timber fireplace with Eastern influence
A painted timber fireplace with Eastern influence
A painted timber fireplace with Eastern influence

An architectural timber fireplace with Eastern influence. The jambs and frieze with Chinese symbols throughout, the plinths and centre block with matching motifs. English, 19th century.

Stock No: 4196      £14,000 + VAT
Shelf Width:1575 mm   |   62"
Overall Height:1265 mm   |   49 ¾"
Opening Height:980 mm   |   38 ⅝"
Opening Width:990 mm   |   39"
Depth Of Shelf:145 mm   |   5 ¾"
Overall Plinths:1590 mm   |   62 ⅝"

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