An English wood fireplace in the Georgian style

An English wood fireplace in the Georgian style
An English wood fireplace in the Georgian style
An English wood fireplace in the Georgian style
An English wood fireplace in the Georgian style

An English wood fireplace in the Georgian manner. The fluted frieze with carved urn to centre tablet adorned with carved beading, the tapering, panelled jambs with bellflowers and tied ribbons, surmounted Athenian leaf to end block. Moulded shelf above. English, late 19th century. (Some minor repair work needed to plinths, which is included in price.)

Stock No: 4065      £7,500 + VAT
Shelf Width:1555 mm   |   61 ¼"
Overall Height:1350 mm   |   53 ⅛"
Opening Height:1030 mm   |   40 ½"
Opening Width:1020 mm   |   40 ⅛"
Depth Of Shelf:160 mm   |   6 ¼"
Overall Plinths:1350 mm   |   53 ⅛"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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