An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence

An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence
An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence
An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence
An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence
An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence
An English limestone fireplace with a gothic influence

An unusual English limestone fireplace with a Gothic influence. The four hexagonal front columns supporting solid frieze with roundel decoration. The shelf with triangular detailing to front and sizes. 19th century with later amendments.

Stock No: 3641      £8,500 + VAT
Shelf Width:1650 mm   |   65"
Overall Height:1185 mm   |   46 ⅝"
Opening Height:815 mm   |   32 ⅛"
Opening Width:775 mm   |   30 ½"
Depth Of Shelf:205 mm   |   8 ⅛"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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