A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form

A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form
A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form
A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form
A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form
A Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form

A very fine quality Breche Violette fireplace of architectural form. The bolection moulding with deep jambs, frieze and shelf. Very good quality Breccia marble. English, 19th century. 

Stock No: 4395      SOLD
Shelf Width:1474 mm   |   58"
Overall Height:1189 mm   |   46 ¾"
Opening Height:966 mm   |   38"
Opening Width:1019 mm   |   40 ⅛"
Depth Of Shelf:280 mm   |   11"
Overall Plinths:1384 mm   |   54 ½"

Click here for an explanation of fireplace dimensions


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